Friday, December 11, 2009

Last weekend the try outs started for the soccer team. It was very cold weather but that did not matter for many of us because we wanted to be on the soccer team. Unfortunately, many players did not make the team, but the ones that made it are happy.

For the second year, I was chosen to play Varsity even though sometimes it's really tough; but the coach gives you some opportunities and helps you out. He wants to show us how to get better, not only on our skills, but with our personal life problems. That is really important for us because that is what a team is made for.

We have been practicing every day Monday through Friday on crossing the ball, passing, and shooting goals, I think that we are going to have a very good team this year, and I hope that we can make it to the playoffs.

Friday, November 20, 2009

This week there is a feeling of sadness in the soccer world--some very young soccer players have died.

Thursday morning, Robert Enke, the Hannover, Germany goalkeeper, was found dead on a train crossing near his home. Many people are very concerned about his death. Some of his close friends said that it was a suicide after being hit by a train.

On Sunday, a professional soccer player, Antonio De Nigris, a member of the National soccer team, was also found dead in his apartment. Eearly in the morning, his wife said that the night before he started to feel sick, so she called an ambulance to get him to the hospital; but when they got there it was already too late--he had died on his way to the hospital by a heart attack.

They have left a very good legacy teaching us how to be better persons, to respect and to love each other.

One of my concerns is that how come a very young person could kill himself when he had a very good future ahead of him? One way to prevent this is to talk to your parents, friends and the people who love you the most.

Friday, November 13, 2009

What are my goals for this year?

The goals that I have for this year are so many; one of them is to play for the Crockett soccer team and try to take the team to the playoffs. This year I think that everything will be more exciting because there are so many people in the class that will a little bit harder for the freshmen to make varsity.

One other goal that I have for this year is to pass all my classes, including Geometry with a grade of ninety. This is the only class that is hard for me to pass, even tough I study a lot on it.

Also another goal that I have is to improve my running to play soccer because I'm a little bit slow and sometimes the other players just take the ball away from me. Then I have to chase it but it is hard to stop them because they are really fast. I've been practicing a lot and I think that I will do better this year.

We all have goals and dreams and sometimes people do not think that they can achieve them or they just give on them without trying. Don't ever give up, because you don't know what good your goals can bring you.

Friday, November 6, 2009

My Goals

What are my goals, after I finish high school?
I'm very excited to finish high school, because I want to get a job and to start working. Right now I'm passing all my classes, and I'm feeling very comfortable with that. One of the more important goals in my life is to be a professional soccer player. I have thought about it since I was five years old. I used to go out every day and play with all my friends. I would like to be like Lionel Messi, and play for the Barcelona team.

Another goal that I have is to help my family, like my mom, and give her a better life. Talking to your parents, teachers, or even friends helps you to make the right choices. They also support you to keep doing what you like to do the most and to make it come true.

A good way to keep up with your career is to go to school and do what you're supposed to do.

The last year I played soccer for the school and it was very cool because I was one of the four freshmen playing for the varsity team. I played as a winger, forward, and I scored four goals for the team. One of the best games was against McCallum, where I scored a very good goal from a long distance. I felt very happy with it because there so many people at the game including my brother.

Friday, October 30, 2009


This is a very important theme for me and I hope for everybody else, too, because we all live on this planet that is ours, and that we all should be trying to protect. During the last few years, many counries around the world have been struggling with pollution. We have so many options that we can do to save the planet; all that we have to do is put a little effort in our daily life things like:

1: Not using your car so much .
2: Recycling the trash by putting it in its right place.
3: Not throwing trash on the lakes so the animals will die.
4: Asking the big industries to make a plan that contaminates much less.

Those are some good ways to prevent more pollution on our planet, but we have to hurry up and do something about it, because every single day that goes on and we don't stop this, a small part of our planet dissapears. Antarctica is a very important continent that exists on our planet. It's characterized by its very cold climate and a very small fauna. The animals from the region such as the penguins and the polar bears, are some very cool animals that are on the way to extinction. We should save them from thatto keep alive the diversity of animals that we have on our planet.

So start thinking from today what are you going to do to save our planet ftom pollution.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Our Society

What are the main problems that our society faces?

It's the year 2009 and we are seeing so many conflicts that all of the countries around the world are facing. Many of us think that everything is under control, but we have to think about this.

First of all, a really big problem that we all have is the economy where people are struggling on to keep up with their activities. Many people have lost their jobs.

Second of all, many countries around the world are having problems with health, many of them are being affected by diseases that are being killing many people. During the last few years many diseases are being caused by the effects of pollution. Many of us (humans) do not put much effort to saving our planet. If we don't do something right now, we will be regret it later.

Another thing that we should be worried about is "Violence." This seems to be a very big problem to stop, but in my opinion, I think that if we keep fighting each other and if we don't stop it, we will not survive with all these problems that we have. So now it's time to help each other and to think about our future.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Our culture

Why is culture so important for you?

I think that culture is very important because it's what identifies you. Like many people that come from other countries remember or celebrate their culture by doing the rituals or things that they used to do in their home countries or the places that they are coming from.

A good way to keep our cultures alive is to practice them anywhere you are, and to talk about it with your kids. Also, talk with the young people--that way they will be more interested in learning about it, because they are the ones that are going to to be the future. Hopefully, they will talk about us in the future.

I'm from the Capital City of Mexico and what we usually do is to celebrate our ancestors (people who have died). We call it the "El dia de los muertos" ( the day of the dead), where many people dress up and go to the graves of their dead relatives and bring them food. The idea is that they will wake up and eat the food that they took them. Sometimes they bring them some bread, cookies, flowers, and some tamales. That is a unique celebration for Mexican people.

Friday, October 9, 2009


I'm eliseo and I just turned sixteen last week. I had a really big party at my house with all my friends and my family. We had a lot of food like "mole," a very typical mexican plate that is served with some tamales and is very delicious.
The night was just starting and then we had a dj that played all the best songs. I really enjoyed it, because many of my friends and family were gathered together and that is the best present you can get. Unfortunately, my mom was not there for my party because she is living in Mexico with my dad and I really miss them a lot.
The next day my girlfriend woke me up to go to the park. I did not want to go, but then she made me go there because my brothers were there and they were waiting for me. I had a very nice weekend with my family and I hope I can get another party like that again.